Biotechnology is the frontier area of modern biology having applications in medicine, agriculture, industry as well as in scientific research. It guides us in understanding various molecular approaches to different types of cellular processes and how to engineer them for human benefit. The areas of drug discovery and research rely on the techniques like genetic engineering and bioprocess technology. The gene editing technique like CRISPR-Cas have revolutionised the understanding and functionality of living systems . The department was established to impart latest knowledge and training to undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor’s Degree as well as Integrated Master’s degree programs in science stream. The curriculum for these courses have been designed and developed to help students understand main concepts in modern biology as well as their applications across various scientific disciplines. Apart from core subjects the department offers various types of skill enhancement courses like forensic sciences, industrial fermentation, tissue culture as well as HIV/AIDS and human genetics. While keeping in view the world scenario, it was felt imperative to impart theoretical as well as practical knowledge and training to younger aspirants